In Nevada and throughout the Southwest, there are several varieties of cacti that feature beautiful, colorful blossoms.
Save Water in Your Garden With Blooming Cacti
You may be wishing for a desert landscape with a colorful floral display but also want to reduce your energy and water consumption. These desires are not mutually exclusive as many blooming cacti with dazzling colors flourish in Las Vegas. From deep purple to dazzling orange, you will find a wide range of hues.
Pavers Help Define Your Desert Landscaping
You will find a wide variety of pavers in Las Vegas to help define and organize your front or backyard. They are also useful if you are planning to save water with a desert garden. Pavers that look like natural rugged stone will enhance your desert landscaping and create artistic spaces for your blossoming cacti. Here are a few of the cacti that will give you the floral display you crave and save you water.
Some Colorful Blooming Cacti in Las Vegas
• The scarlet hedgehog (Echinocereus coccineus) cactus produces vibrant red blossoms in April and May. It thrives in shady areas and resembles grass until it blooms.
• Johnson’s fishhook cactus (Echinomastus johnsonii) develops dark purple blossoms from March to May. It grows on rocky slopes and hills.
• Engelmann’s hedgehog cactus (Echinocereus engelmannii) yields dark hot-pink blossoms. It grows in large clusters and does well in a desert landscape.
• Tulip prickly pear (Opuntia phaeacantha) displays bright orange blossoms in spring and early summer. The color of the blossoms may vary from lemon yellow to pink and reddish-purple.
• The common beehive cactus (Escobaria vivipara) is found throughout the United States and from Mexico to Canada. The plant is unremarkable, but the showy pink flowers are brilliant.
Desert Landscaping Is Beautiful and Environmentally Friendly
Desert landscaping enhanced by natural stone pavers provides an attractive and sophisticated garden. For a brilliant floral display, there are many varieties of cacti that produce colorful blossoms, especially in the spring. Your garden will be drought-resistant, not require pesticides and need little water. A beautifully landscaped garden increases the curb appeal and the value of your home.