There are many creative and far less stressful ways to have a beautiful yard in Las Vegas than constantly irrigating and trying to coax brown grass to turn green. If you’re frustrated with your lawn, consider these other options.
Las Vegas Hardscape Ideas
Las Vegas lawns require massive amounts of water and are incredibly difficult to attractively maintain. Fortunately, homeowners have many options when it comes to landscaping and hardscaping, making it possible to create an attractive, low maintenance landscape perfectly suited for Las Vegas weather.
Turf and Plants
If you love the look of grass and big planting beds, consider going native. Replace your grass with artificial turf and then fill your planting beds with plants naturally found in the Las Vegas area. Artificial turf has come a long way from its humble beginnings and is now made to look and feel like natural grass. Your yard will be attractive and maintenance free. Native plants will also save you the time and money you previously invested in your flowerbeds since they have evolved to survive on the small amounts of water the Las Vegas climate provides.
Opt for Rocks
Whether you prefer a small gravel yard dotted with native plants or would rather make your space one big flagstone patio, hardscaping with rocks and boulders creates very attractive outdoor spaces that require no maintenance. Decorative rock in Las Vegas is quite a popular option and a versatile one. You can create walkways, driveways and patios with flagstone or pavers, add large colorful boulders for decoration and plant your own rock garden for a splash of green.
Incorporate Joy
Whether it’s a dip in the pool that makes you smile or a backyard fire pit, incorporate features that will make you happy into your landscape. Stone makes an excellent surround for fires and pools while artificial turf gives the kids and the dog a great outdoor play space. Whatever it is that moves you, add it to your design and take advantage of the outdoor lifestyle Las Vega provides.