Las Vegas Paving for Landscaping
When you’re searching for pavers in Las Vegas to improve your landscape, here is some information on pavers that can help inform your purchasing choices.
Selecting a Type of Pver
Pavers can be classified into pavers like precast unit pavers, interlocking pavers, and stone pavers. Precast unit pavers offer a surface with smooth, consistent shapes like squares or rectangles. Interlocking pavers come in different shapes and sizes and can be interlocked to produce a nice pattern. Stone pavers are pieces of stone joined together to produce a single path or pavement.
Paving Stones
Bigfoot pavers come in sizes of 24 x 24 inches and are available in charcoal or antique pewter. Holland and Kobble pavers come in beautiful hues of violet, blue and brown, perfect when you’re looking to add some color to your pathways. Interlocking Aviano pavers are a gray mix of rectangular and square stones, set against each other to form random patterns. Additional interlocking pavers include the Aviano Grande pavers and the unique 4 x 24 linear pavers.
How Paving Can Be Incorporated Into Your Space
You can find examples of how paving can be expertly incorporated into your garden, patio or front driveway. Consider bigfoot pavers for a path leading to your garden or pool. Aviano Grande pavers can be used around a fountain. The colors of Kobble pavers contrast nicely with rich, green ferns and linear pavers suit contemporary homes well.