There are many different types of paving stones that a person can use to decorate their yard. A homeowner might want to explore different options depending on the latest trends and their own personal tastes.
Styles of Paving Stones for a Las Vegas Yard
Las Vegas is known for its stylish trends when it comes to yard work. The desert climate requires individualistic and unique tastes to adapt to the dry air, where lawns are usually expensive to maintain. When a lawn is out of the option, many might opt for paving stones, or pavers, to accentuate their yard. The following are a couple options of different popular pavers in Las Vegas.
Flagstone is probably the most popular current trend in paving stones. These natural stones are cut at jagged ends to give the floor a more natural look. This is especially popular around those yards that have a pool. These stones are known to crack over time when under stress or hit directly. This is because, being natural stone, flagstone is less pure and these impurities lead it to become more brittle. This should be kept in mind when considering flagstone.
Brick pavers are an interesting choice. They are timeless and always make a yard look good. They are especially appropriate when placed about a garden, as they easily bend with the roots of trees and don’t break. Bricks are also very versatile in that they can be placed in different designs such as popular herringbone or in concentric circles. Brick is particularly picking up among paving stone styles in Las Vegas due to its cheap price and versatility.
A Variety of Uses
There are many other types of paving stones, such as concrete, all of which are usable in different situations and for different styles. However, paving stones, in general, can be used for boulders or other types of landscaping as well, not just flooring. They can be used to spruce up any yard, especially those that don’t have a lawn.