A custom patio can cost thousands of dollars, but you can save money when you do the job yourself. Picking up a few simple tips can make the building go a little smoother and easier.
How to Build a Custom Decorative Rock Patio
Between the high temperatures and dry air, it is not surprising that many lawns in Las Vegas feature more decorative rocks than plants. Even if you have a lawn that you maintain and keep well watered, you may want to build your own custom patio that serves as the perfect place for entertaining guests and throwing parties. Instead of hiring expensive contractors to build that patio, look at some tips that you can use when building one yourself.
Create an Outline
Long before you put down any landscaping rocks, you need to create an outline that shows you the basic size and shape of your custom patio. When using decorative rocks instead of pavers, you will notice that the edges are curved and uneven instead of being completely flat or straight. Keep this in mind when deciding how many rocks you need to cover that area. Use a simple trowel or a small shovel to mark off the layout or outline of the patio.
Keep the Rocks from Moving
Decorative rock Las Vegas companies offer landscaping rocks in different sizes, shapes and colors. You might stick to just one or two neutral colors when building your patio, but you can also use a number of fieldstones and rocks in various colors. To keep those rocks from moving or shifting when you use the space as a patio, you will need to remove at least 1 inch of soil from the ground. Spray the dirt with water before packing down each rock in place. You can also apply sand or gravel to the top, which will drop down in between the rocks to keep them from moving or shifting.
Customize Your Lawn
Adding a new patio made from decorative rocks is an easy way to customize your lawn and home. Use rocks in colors that complement your home or add a bright pop of color to create a welcoming outdoor space.