Which Desert Plants to Consider
Upon initial observation, developing a beautiful landscape in Las Vegas may appear a little bit challenging. However, there are many types of plants whose decorative beauty can enhance what would be considered a very unappealing site of landscape into a work of fine art. Through the maturation of the plants, a landscape design can turn hard, crusty land into beautiful desert shrubs and greenery.
There are a few desert plants that can assist in the curb appeal such as:
• Ghost Plant Succulent
• Paddle Plant
• Fox Tail Agave
• Mexican Feather Grass
• Jade Plant
• Flaming Katy
• Yellow Bells
Desert Plant Care
Depending upon the type of plant that is selected, some may need less sunlight than others especially in such a hot area like Las Vegas. What some have done to growth their plants is to use some of the bigger natural Las Vegas rocks to be used provide some shade for the smaller colorful plants. But if you decide on growing succulents, the natural sunlight would yield a very diversified colorful background. Some plants are going to need more water than others, so with the daytime Nevada heat, ensure that there is a nice balance between water and sunlight to ensure that the plant does not get dry.
Diversify Desert Plant Color with Aesthetically Pleasing Rocks
To enhance your curb appeal, you can add rocks with their earth-toned color to create symmetry between the plant color and the rock’s design. With this, you must have an exceptionally clean appearance that will avoid any exposure to weak areas such as brown spots. Within the space between the rocks, filling it in with the many options of colorful plants will make the lawn crisper and more beautiful. Available landscape rocks in Las Vegas may enhance symmetry between the beautiful backdrop of mountains and your neighborhood community.